Sunday, April 29, 2012

Be Still

Not knowing what I'm going to do when I have things to do drives me crazy! On the other hand I can't stand having a plan when I have nothing to do! The Lord is teaching me a lot about patience and being confident in His great power. I have found myself lately wanting to know exactly what I'm going to be doing for Him next. But I've been finding Him saying, "Be still and know that I am God." That references Psalm 46:10, which says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth." God isn't going to let us see clear every stone in our path that we will step on, but we can trust that He will guide us. Something I have been thinking a lot about, standing still in God and knowing who He is. What on earth does that mean and how do I do it? Be still- stop the hustle bustle of your life and stop and be with the Lord. "Know that I am God"- worship and meditate on who our creator is, realize the unfathomable being that our Lord is, know that there is no one like Him and the crazy amount of love for us He has. We serve a Lord who is greater than all, He has amazing love, grace, and mercy, He is creator and destroyer, He is the beginning and the end, He is our Lord and Savior. I shall be still in the Lord and know that He is God.