Monday, November 28, 2011

Forgotten or Ignored?

Being back on my blog makes me so happy.  It shows you the power of a little thing.  I skipped one night of blogging and look how long it took me to get back on!  26 days! The Lord has been so great to me.  He has been working so hard in my heart lately, and showing me so many things.  Specifically today, God has been having me look into homelessness.  A couple of weeks ago a young man close to my age, he looks, starting standing at the corner of our busy intersection close to our house.  His sign that he holds reads "HOMELESS ANYTHING HELPS."  The Lord has had homelessness on my heart for a while now, but this young man specifically now.  God gave me the opportunity to buy him some food and water for the day today and just after I gave it to him, a police came down the street, so I saw him start to walk off.  (On a different subject.. what a shame that is, that the homeless have to run from the people who have "To Protect and To Serve" written on their cars.  My mom pointed that out after I told her my story. )  What amazing timing God has and how he places us ever so perfectly in situations blows my mind though.  On my way to Starbucks a little while ago, I saw him again at the corner, he must have come back to try again.  And as I'm sitting in Starbucks
now, it was raining a couple of minutes ago.. I stopped and thought.. every homeless person is out there right now standing out in this.  Meanwhile their valuables they have on them are getting wet, and the clothes they have are getting wet.  I just sat here and thought and thought and thought.  Then, I pulled out my journal, and wrote down every possible way I could help him, and others.  Please pray for what the Lord is putting on my heart, and that I may be able to be guided by him to help this forgotten community that everyone around the world knows about but "forgets."  SO glad to be sharing what the Lord is doing in my life again. 
Thanks so much for your perfectness.  You're so awesome, and have incredible plans for us.  Lord, guide us, and make us servants of You.  Bless us this week, and steer our decisions so that they may be Your will, and pleasing to You.
In Your Son's Name,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stop, Look, and Listen

I'm sitting in my cafe I hangout in between classes.  They have a piano in here, and anyone is welcome to play.  Right now, there's a guy playing, and I have to say, I really am enjoying it.  I am not a big fan of classical music, I consider it boring, but I feel like I have a completely changed perspective today.  It's so peaceful and sounds so glorious, all I wanted to do when he started playing was close my eyes, and talk to the Lord.  It's relaxing and really made me feel like I should put down everything I was doing and just listen.  Well, I had two revelations while thinking about "just listening" to it.  First, isn't it mentioned so many times in the bible to make glorious noise with music to the Lord.  Judges 5:3 says, "Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers! I will sing to the LORD, I will sing; I will make music to the LORD, the God of Israel."  Isn't this why we worship in song too, I almost feel like music lets so much more emotion out.  and Job 21:12 says, "They sing to the music of tambourine and harp; they make merry to the sound of the flute."  and Ephesians 5:19, says, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord."  Secondly, I thought about how we should sometimes just stop and listen.  Not just to music, but to anything.  Maybe someone needs to talk to us, but we just don't have time.. well, stop and take the time.  Or maybe God's trying to tell you something but you're just too busy.. stop, take some time to just listen to Him.  That's why I think daily quiet time is so important, it makes such a difference in your day, when you stop, listen, and obey God.  I challenge you to stop and listen to the music today, tomorrow, and for the rest of the week, get into the habit of stopping and listening. 

Please help us to stop and listen to You every now and then.  We want to hear Your voice in our lives.  Help us to look out for You and Your voice, and let us take time for other people.  We love You Lord.
In Jesus Name,