Wednesday, February 15, 2012

He's there: EVERYWHERE

I nanny and I nannied a family recently for the week. So the kids had to get used to the fact that KLOVE was the only radio station that I played. So one day in the middle of the week one of the little girls said, "hey Carly I like that song Oh Sliver!" and I'm thinking to myself what the heck is that?? So I told her I'd tried to figure out what it was and a day or two passed. "Oh Sliver" came on the radio and she got SO excited. I busted with excitement when I found out the Oh Sliver song she loved so much was really called "What a Savior" by Laura's Story! My little one knew most of the words and she was BELTING them out, not caring what anyone thought! It brought tears of joy to my eyes. I explained to her what she was singing and sure she may not have understood but maybe she did and how cool is it that she'll probably be singing that around her friends now. AND the coolest part, she was glorifying God by loudly busting this song and she may have not even known. God is SO good. And cool. And awesome. And amazing. And jaw dropping. And unfathomable. He's OUR savior. How blessed are we? Incredibly. I always say this but it's true, I'm blown away by the things our God does for us to show us He IS present in our lives even in the times where we feel like we're carrying the wait of the world. HE IS THERE! HE'S EVERYWHERE (:
Praise Him for that today! Just take a couple minutes, take a walk, a drive,whatever! Just do it, praise Him for who He is!

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