Sunday, December 30, 2012

Be You and Only You

Ya know how certain foods are packaged in boxes and their boxes say things like, "Real cheese!" or "Real Chocolate!"?  I always think to myself, gosh, well I would hope they use real this or that.  I don't want any artificial, gross, fake stuff!  And then at the other end of the spectrum... where you see foods with things on their boxes like, "Authentic soup," or "Fine Chocolate!"  Well then I think things like, well what makes it so much more special than normal soup or chocolate, or whatever it may be?  And honestly, usually when you take the chance and see if it actually is any different... it's not. 

Kinda like us, huh?  We try to make ourselves better than one another; or maybe we think there is no way we could be as "cool" or as "pretty" as another person.  When the reality is... we're all the same.  We are all human beings, God's children who have the same insecurities, (different, but we all have them) the same struggles, the same dynamics, but we try so hard to be better, finer, more authentic than someone else.  And with this constant competition against one another, there leaves no room, no time, to love and to truly see the beauty of us as human beings, even in our insecurities, our flaws, our bad days.  We need to use our hearts, to love and to be love to one another.  "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." -Unknown  I found that quote, and it's so true... it's probably unknown because it's just blatant, obvious, truth!   Kidding, someone probably said it... but like I said it's so blatantly true, that anyone could have figured it out.  We need to use our hearts a little more than our heads sometimes. 

Something God's been teaching me ever so much lately is to be real.  To stop the show, and to start the reality.  Just like our reaction to the "real cheese," it makes you think about why God would want to see us be anything but real. 

Too often, I find myself being someone I'm not... or at least striving to.  I am who I am, and I want to learn to be ok and happy with that.  Let's be real... let's be ourselves... let's use the gifts that God has given us to share, not what He gave someone else.  Don't try to be more of this or more of that.  Be who you are.

I'll end with this quote... it's always been my favorite.  I have no clue who wrote it, I just stole it somewhere a long long time ago when I made my Facebook profile and needed a quote.  Well, it happened to change my heart a lot more than I would have expected, it's simple, and it's this.

"Be yourself, because everyone else is taken."

xo, Carly

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