Saturday, December 15, 2012

Slapping Me to See Peace

So, I'm doing some digging into the Advent season.  I've never really understood Advent, or its purpose, and I decided I wouldn't go another year without some knowledge about it.  But it's gone far past knowledge of the topic.  It's teaching me so much and blessing my heart.  I'm doing a daily study on the iPhone bible app "You Version" and also an awesome John Piper daily Christmas countdown app that a friend suggested to me.

What I'm learning- Advent is time to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Each day, I've been able to be challenged spiritually and mentally.  I've been able to see how Good and Faithful our God is to us, and how excited we should be for the celebration of His birth.  Honestly, for the first Christmas ever, I'm actually excited... not for the gifts, food, and party's... but for the celebration each day to learn of the Day of birth of our sweet, sweet Savior.

Today's devotion really slapped me in the face, and I have to share.  It started off by sharing a journal entry from a French battlefield during World War I on Christmas Eve.  It went on in a retelling of how the Germans were singing Christmas songs like, "Silent Night" and "The First Noel," when all of the sudden the British troops began to retaliate, but not with violence, but with singing along with the enemy!  The cool thing that followed this, was the fact that these two opposing nations were singing the same Christmas Carol in the middle of a fierce war and that they were greeting each other in no mans land wishing each other a Merry Christmas.  When I first read that, it was kind of just a feel good story... and then the slapper question followed.  "Who do you need to make peace with this season?"  Two opposing nations at WAR managed to make peace with each other? Why can't we? Why can't I?

Sure, we hear and know we should create peace with all people... the "silly" answer you always hear about wanting world peace... but do we actually do it?  Is it so hard?  I think it is, if we expect the whole world to just become peaceful like that... I also think that's crazy.  But I think it would be much more practical and realistic, if we all just stepped up and took the initiative to create peace... personally.   Do I personally try and create peace between those I don't have peace with? I don't... not for all people at least.  I then, read some scripture going along with this, and it was just the double slap on top of the original slap.  Isaiah 53:5 says, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought US peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." "

I think about the stupid, stupid things that create the mess I have against some people... how simple and dumb they are.  And then I think about what my Savior did to create peace for me.  Being tortured, nailed to a cross, and crucified, for me.  He created that peace, and I pretty much just walk all over it.  Is that a slap in the face or what?  So I'm going to do something, so that I can walk away from the mess I hold with people and have the opportunity to grow closer to my Savior through it.  I've decided during this Advent season to write letters, notes, whatever fits to the people that I owe peace to.  Sounds maybe corny... but this verse has been running through my mind and it's so true, and is convicting me to do this.  "Live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11.

Maybe this is something you want to think about doing this season too.  Not because I'm suggesting it, but because it could give you an opportunity to be closer to your God.  Let's live in peace.

I challenge you to really dig into Advent this year too... do it now, act and receive so many blessings.  He has so much to share with us.

xo, Carly      

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