Monday, October 15, 2012

Opening a closed door

Wow, it's been a long time since I last wrote, but I'm so excited to get back into the rhythm of it, it's a passion of mine that I long to share!

God has been present and so good. And when I say good, I don't mean, the robotic, "I'm good, how are you?" I mean, He has been GOOD. So good, and all of the time. I love listening, just sitting, thinking, and listening to what He has me processing. I lose track of the things I hear, because He speaks so well and so much. No, I'm not hearing a little man speaking into my ear the truths and wisdom of life, I'm experiencing what He has for me. I'm listening and hearing Him through my actions and responses. It's mind boggling to me, the simplicity of how it sounds, but the magnitude of what it means.
Ah, but the tough spots have come often and harshly lately, and still through these trials, I am learning so much from my Good God. Doors have opened, and many doors have closed. But I am so proud and comforted by being able to say, I know my Good God will get me through! I truly believe that, and it's just another simplistic sentence, but has such strong depth. Trusting Him... it's so hard, please hear me out, it is not easy. It's something for me that I have come to learn after long, harsh, painful, yet exciting experiences He has put me through. But without a doubt, listen up, it has (and that is trusting Him) brought me nothing but complete JOY. I can't stress that enough, He brings me joy, end of story. He is the reason I am able to love, in which love brings so much more to the plate in my life. It opens a door, a door that was closed in my meaningless, dark, loveless life before Christ. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I can have life to the full! The full, to love, to laugh, to glorify, to speak, to fellowship, to do all these things in the Name of The Lord. I have the blessing of being able to say... He is mine, and I am His.
And so are you. Open the door, it's not supposed to be closed, open it so that the Light can shine in.

xo, carly

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