Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reflect on His gifts

I was reflecting this morning on how much my life has changed in the last year.  The crazy amount of new people I have met- the people that are challenging me, the people that I am mentoring, the people who are closest to me.  It's an amazing thing to think about, that God placed each and every one of them in my life for a purpose.  Even cooler to think about the fact that we try to figure out what the purpose is for them in our lives, but I think we will never cease to be amazed by the numerous purposes they will have in our lives.  
About a year ago I started praying for the Lord to challenge me in new ways.  I constantly doubted my knowledge of the Lords Word and my knowledge of how to teach others.  Well... He soon slammed a lot of those answers in my face.  I was meeting so many people whom had these extremely differn't opinions and thoughts about Christianity than I had ever learned.  The more I thought about what I had heard, I knew they couldn't be true.  These teachings just didn't seem like things Jesus would do and teach, and didn't seem like ways the Lord would want us to be living, and just didn't sound glorifying to Him.  I soon learned after seeking after the Lord, that I had been hearing numerous false teachings, and then from that using His Word to learn the real truths.  I have grown so much in my knowledge of Him just in the last year, and I know that was answered prayer to my asking for Him to challenge me. 
I love spending time reflecting on what He has done in my life, the gifts that He has provided me with, it's glorifying to Him.  Spend some time today just praising Him for the things He has done in your life, whether it be that He has put certain people in your life, put you in new situations, taught you new things, brought you peace... whatever it has been, give Him praise.  Give and you will receive from Him.

Psalm 147:1- "Praise the Lord.  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!"

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