Saturday, January 28, 2012

Set a fire in my heart!

Those six words can sum up how amazing last night and today have been. I've been at Acquire the Fire with my church youth group, but I've been able to experience it from the "adult" perspective! Being able to watch the younger girls and guys just worship with all they have has been simply incredible. I have also met some incredible people, whom God has so smoothly put into my life. How wonderful are Gods plans to intertwine all of us into each others paths. This weekend has been also very spiritually renewing to me, and in a few different ways! Worshipping with my full heart just putting away everything around me and completely focusing on God. I've had this feeling in the pit of my stomach all day long (holy spirit!) that's just been making me SO happy. I've talked to a couple people who have just been encouraging me with what I have been facing lately and I'm so thankful God provided those people to advise me! Lastly the messages in which are being spoken to the whole group are incredibly perfect timing for me! And the neatest thing is hearing how those messages were perfect for someone else and me at the same thing referring to two different things! I know that God so purposely planned for me to be put on this trip after not thinking I would be able to because of conflict of work or not being able to afford it, but God provided and I feel so blessed to be here this weekend! Romans 5:8 says "but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." That sums up this weekend, just experiencing the grace of Jesus Christ.

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