Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where's your heart?

The message today in my email devotional was about pushing or pulling someone. If you are pushing someone to do something that you are doing because YOU want them to do it, then where does that put their motive to do it? They're simply doing it because you want them to and not because they truly want to do it. If you continue to do it and just exemplify it, then if that person is interested they will make it their motive to do it. I've noticed this myself in a situation recently. If I push my bible study girls to memorize a verse because I think they should know it, what good does that do them if it doesn't mean a thing to them? Instead I will exemplify how a certain verse helped me in a certain way in my life and they will be drawn to it by their own motivation. I believe the same goes for a parent who pushes and pushes their child to go to a certain school they want them to go to rather than encourage their own interests for something different. My simple point to all of this is that we all should stop and ask ourselves where our heart is when WE do something, or when we push SOMEONE else to do something. Is it what is really right?... Or is it what we think is right?
Jeremiah 29:13 says "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Seek God with ALL of your heart and trust what He tells you and guides you to do! Do things with the right heart and truly believe it is what God wants you to do!

Lord, let us be true to You. Let us trust You and do things with the right heart and a heart for you. We thank You so much for listening to us when we seek You. We love You.
In Your Sons Name,

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