Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Little Bit of This, and That!

Ah, I'm a little scatter brained about what I want to write about from today, so I'm just going to throw it all down!  First of all, God is continuing to show me the importance of relationships in my life, I got to spend four hours at Panera today, spending time with my sister Kristen, helping her with Chemistry and just chatting about so many different things.  Ok, then I was doing my quiet time and reading Matthew 9.  I absolutely have always loved this verse, and want to share the importance of it to me!  Matt 9:37-38 says," Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." "  I just love it, and I think because of my deep desire to be a missionary.  I feel like it is a shoutout to me, saying "hey! we don't have enough people to go out there and work, so we need you!"  It makes me feel special, purposeful.  That verse is for all of us though, if you feel called, I believe it's for you as well!  When I saw it ahead tonight while reading, I just got so excited, and almost found myself skipping ahead to it!..but I didn't ( ; !  I really am enjoying reading Matthew, and I highly suggest it.  Jumping on to another thought, I am a huge K-LOVE fanatic.. and those of you who don't listen, you need to start! They are an amazing  radio ministry.  But anyways, I love to listen online on my laptop, while I'm not in the car or in my room.  And I just spent some time closing my eyes, listening to the words, the music, the power.  All of my Rockbridge Work Crew friends and I fell in love with How He Loves by David Crowder Band, this summer, and I was just listening to those words.  They convict you even more everytime you listen to them.  It's an incredible song.  I'll even put a link, you've got to listen if you haven't.  Definitely a marvelous worship song!  God throws so much at us to use to glorify Him, I think it's just completely up to us, whether we're going to use it or not.  I challenge each of you to use something He gives you tomorrow.  Maybe, it will be the opportunity to serve someone, the chance to spend some quiet time with Him, or maybe it will be as simple as greeting a person He puts in your way.  Whatever it is, use it, glorify Him.

We thank You so much for Your Son, for what You sent Him to do for us, and how much You love us.  It's incredible.  Please remind us to glorify You Lord, remind us that everything we do should be pleasing to You.  It may be difficult, but we can do it with Your guidance, love, and mercy. 
In Your Son's Name,

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