Friday, October 21, 2011

Find a Friend

I had the opportunity to catch up with a friend tonight that I care dearly about.  As we sat at dinner together, talking about the Lord working in our lives, I realized myself feeling so refreshed talking about Him with a great friend who loves Him as well.  It was really amazing to find all of the similarities in the areas of our lives that we were struggling with at the same time.  Kind of piggy backing on yesterdays post, everything happens for a reason, and it had just hit me again tonight as we were talking.  God brought us together to be friends for times like these especially, where we could get what was on our minds off with one another.  We could talk about how the Lord was helping us in these certain areas, and how things were going.  It was just great, and it struck me again this week, as it did last week while meeting with a great Christian women whom I just gotten close to, that fellowship with other Christians is so important.  God put these other people in our lives, so that we can go to them and seek out Christ together, to talk with eachother, to mourn, to celebrate, to do whatever.  It is so important to surround yourself with people who are lifting you up in your faith, as my dear friend I met with tonight, reminded me a couple of months ago.  In Hebrews 10:25, it says, "Let us not give up in meeting together, as some others are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching."  Right in that verse, it stresses that we have got to make it a point to fellowship with other believers, and we can't give up on trying.  Just for example, my friend tonight, and I have been trying to get together for weeks now, but schedules have been conflicting, but hey, we didn't give up, we kept trying, and and we were rewarded with a great evening of fellowship, which I know we were both so appreciative of.  So try and knock out some time this weekend, or in the next week, to fellowship with some believer that you know you should spend some time with.  If you don't know who, pray, pray hard, and ask the Lord to place that specific person on your heart to spend some time with this week. 

Thank You for giving Your life for ours.  We can never repay You.  We ask You to make time in this next week to be able to fellowship with Your people.  Help us figure out that person that You want us to seek out and spend some time with.  We ask that, that time be pleasing to You.  Thank You so much Jesus, and we love You so much.
In Your Name,

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