Friday, October 28, 2011

I have been really getting a lot out of my devotionals lately.  God seems to be putting the perfect verse on each day that I need it.  Every verse has been connected to what I went through that day or what I needed to hear about what happend in the day.  God is so wonderful.  A couple of nights ago, the verse was in Philippians 4:19, it said, "My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need."  It definitely reminded me that everything that God does in our lives, he plans perfectly, and he gives as a gift.  He uses His love for us, to give us special surprises in our life.  He loves us, how he loves us!

God, Thank You for loving us.  We love You and we thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross so we could live for You. 
In Your Son's Name,

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