Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Good Plan vs. God Plan" - John Sinacori

I was planning to have lunch with a friend of mine today at Panera at 11:45.  I showed up for my 9:30 class this morning, only to find out it was cancelled.  So I figured I would just go straight to Panera and get some things done on my laptop.  Well, I got some scripture reading done in Matthew, but then I just ended up wasting time on Facebook.  Well just around 10, my friend walked in... she said "Oh we must have had the same idea to come here early!"  It was true, we did, so we decided we'd just sit next to eachother and work on our own stuff for a while then talk and eat like we had planned.  Well... that wasn't what God had planned for us.  Within ten minutes of her being there, both of our internets shut off.  The wifi wasn't letting us sign back on.  So.. we both agreed that it probably meant that we were supposed to start talking.  I'm so glad we did, we got to talk for so much longer than we had planned on, and it was such a great talk, getting to know eachother and talking about how the Lord was working in our lives. 
I think it's so funny, and I just love when the Lord does stuff like this.  He completely intevened and set His foot down to let us know how things were really going to go.  I believe that it wasn't just a coincidence that  my class was cancelled this morning and it allowed more time for her and I to talk and get to know eachother.  God was working!  I had told my friend that I didn't know what I was going to blog about today, and then she said... "well the internet not working!"  And that's what got me to thinking... that He had a plan, and it was so great!  I can't say it enough, everything happens for a reason.  God is good to us, and He has such a unique plan for each of us, He knows what we're going to do, before we even start to think about it.  My friend shared a verse with me, that I really loved.  Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  He's the same, he's always going to love us, always going to be there for us, always going to watch over us, and always going to have a plan for us. 

We thank you for the way you work in our lives.  Your ways are so amusing to us, you always have a different way in surprising us.  Continue to remind us that you are in control, you know our plans.  It doesn't matter what we have planned, you can change all of that in a second in order to make your will.  We thank you that you never leave us, and you always have a plan.  We love you Lord.
In Your Son's Name We Pray,

1 comment:

  1. Carly - It's wonderful that you're doing this! I look forward to reading more of your posts. God always has a better plan, doesn't He? :-) Blessings, Mrs. P.
