Monday, October 24, 2011

"Aweeesome Dude"

The Lord gave me a very productive day today.  I feel like I felt His presence with me.  As I left my house this morning to go to nanny, I walked outside to get into my car, and I noticed something.  It was peaceful.  I didn't hear one lawn mower, leaf blower, or any other kind of machinery, or even any cars driving by.  All I heard were some birds chirping, it was a serene kind of revelation to start my day off with.  God also gave me the chance to watch the Wave Church t.v. service, which I always record and never watch.  The service was about grace... and wow was it a God thing.  Just last night, I read the verses in Matthew that the preacher spoke about today.  I wasn't sure if I completely understood what Matthew was trying to convey in the Word, so I was going to go back and study it a little more today.  Well, God took care of that for me.. with a full on sermon about it!  I finished off the day with class tonight, and he provided me with time to get help from my professor, and share with my profesor my passion for missions.  God is awesome, and I think that's what I want to center tonight's post about.  I've just been trying to understand, truly how incredible our God is, but you know what?  It's unfathomable, and it's supposed to be like that because He is so great, He is Alpha and Omega, He is holy, He is worthy of awe.  A few years ago, a youth leader of mine taught a lesson on the word "awesome."  How often do we use the word awesome?  I can say without hesistating that I use it all the time!  But, think about the word awesome.  According to, it is an adjective that inspires awe, it is shown or characterized by awe.  Does anything really deserve awe like our Lord does?! No, in fact, no way.  Everything here is temporary, sure maybe it's neat, cool, groovy, or whatever description word you want to use.  But are any of those temporary things here "worthy of awe?"  Only God, is worthy of awe.  Let's try and remember that.  Revelation 4:11 says, "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." Tell our Lord that He is awesome today.

You are awesome, You are worthy of awe. Remind us of who You made us to be in Your image.  We love You God.
In Your Son's Name,

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