Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who are you going to turn to?

Right now, I'm studying the book of Matthew, it's really amazing to me, because it's so clear on setting guidelines on how to live your life as a follower of Christ.  Today as I was reading Matt 7:7-12 (talks about asking and you receiving), I was thinking about how we "desire" so many things and we don't have a problem talking to our friends, parents, grandparents, bosses, co-workers, teachers, etc. about them.  Usually they're materialistic things, but they could be things like, I want to lose weight, I want to get first place in my tournament this weekend, I want to get all my bills paid by this date.  We're social human beings and we need to be able to talk to someone when issues arise, or we have these desires.  But who should we turn to?  Instead of depending solely on your friends, family, co-workers, etc, we should try depending on God.  Think about it... in verse 7 of chapter 7 in Matthew, he says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  God is saying "talk to Me, I will listen, look for Me, I'll make Myself apparent, call on Me, I'll let you in!  Isn't that awesome!?  We can take anything to Him... ANYTHING!  We should challenge ourselves to make talking to God as easy as it is to talk to others.  Because, the more that we talk to God, the closer we grow to Him, and the closer we grow to Him, the stronger we are.  We can do all things through Christ whom strengthens us!  Talk to God today, ask Him for the strength and skill to win first place in that tournament, or the focus to get your bills paid on time.  Whatever it is you desire, hand it to Him, call on Him to be visible in any situation.  Anytime, any day, anywhere, His line is always open. (:

Lord, I pray that you guide us to call on you.  Make it clear in our lives, that we NEED you, we have to call on you to get through things, and to live this life on Earth.  We love you so much God and we thank you for this opportunity at life, let us shine today!  In Your Son's name, we pray. Amen

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