Sunday, October 30, 2011

God is Good, All the Time!

Sunday morning is family morning for our household.  My grandma and I spent some time together last night, so her and I met the rest of my family at church this morning, where we listened to a couple very great speakers in the service.  A couple talked about how God sent them messangers about the future birth of their baby boy, and how He made things work out for this couple on His own time.  And, to conclude the service a dear woman, who is very special to me, kicked off our Stewardship Campaign, talking about her cancer battle, and how God worked in her life through it all.  Hearing her speak was amazing.. the encounters she had with Christ were unbelievable.  She was talking about how she had dreams of Jesus and her spending time together, and Jesus walking next to her throughout this whole process.  The complexity of these dreams, was so unfathomable that it really made me think of my verse in my devotional today.  It comes from Psalm 139:16, and says, "All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old."  I don't know about you, but that always blows my mind when I think about that... when I think about the fact that God has every minute of every day for every person living planned out.  It's just crazy, but it's real, and it feels even realer when I have the opportunity to hear testimonies of people's lives like this one!  This woman had no clue what was in store for her after she found out the news of cancer, but she didn't care, she simply handed it all over to God, and He took care of everything.  The faith she had tears me to pieces in joy, it makes me hunger for faith like hers.  The things God has in store for us, are so incredible, we just have to hand our lives to Him, and remember that He has everything planned out already, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11  He's got it under control, let's stop trying to control our own lives, it's too stressful, and think about it, it would be so much easier and so much more glorifying to God if we just put our trust in Him, and gave it up to Him.  "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not onto your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6  Not only does He have our backs, He'll protect us, help us, guide us, and love us.  As a man named Phillip from a past Galilee by the Sea mission trip used to say... "God is good," and we'd respond with "all the time!"

Thank You, for being good to us.  Thank You for having a plan for us, thank You for loving us.  We thank You for the opportunity to give everything to You and trust You, and Your willingness to make our ways great.  We ask that You help us remember that it is.. that easy.  All we have to do, is believe in Your Son, love You, and trust You, and You will completely conform our lives forever. 
In Jesus Name,

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