Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let it show, Let it show, Let it show

Well, I had such a wonderful day yesterday, and was so excited to reflect on it, and when I got to my cousin's house last night, where I was staying, she said their internet was out! How convenient Satan!  SO... I want to share what a wonderful day the Lord gave me yesterday, and reflect about reflect about today later on. 
I was able to go to breakfast with a former teacher, that is so dear to my heart.  She was a huge influence on me in the tenth grade, and I know that the Lord placed her at First Colonial to minister to me in that classroom.  She touched quite a few lives, and I just look up to her so much.  We had been trying to get together for such a long time, and the Lord provided time yesterday, and I am so gracious that we were able to do that.  She had some amazing stories.  Then later on that day I was able to sit at the Young Life table at Regent with two young life leaders whom are training me.  It was really neat to be able to tell them a little bit about myself and get to know eachother one on one.  I love telling my story of my desire for missions, and when I talk about it I get so fired up, and want to just go!  I had Chemistry lab and lecture yesterday too, and the coolest thing happened.  I was wearing a Young Life shirt, and as I was walking out of the lab building in Norfolk, this girl freaks out and yells "Oh my gosh girl!  Is that a YL shirt!?" I answered with a happy yes, (and by the way I got to share about the ministry of YL with FIVE people yesterday because of my shirt!) and she asked me to hold her books as she started digging through her purse and looking for something.  She pulled out a McDonald bag folded up, and said, "LOOK WHO SIGNED MY BAG!?" Now, you have to know, that this women who signed her bag, is an incredible women, a YL leader in Norfolk, who I've had the opportunity to meet but not get to know well, but ALL I always here is how amazing and how faithful this women is to the Lord.  So, I look at her bag and there is this woman's signature, and the girl is just laughing, so happy, and telling how wonderful she is, and how fun she is.  Now, keep in mind, this girl had already created a scene, and it was so funny.  Well then, she invited me to this poetry reading club they have on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and asked if she could do one of the readings for me there on the street.  I was expecting dull, boring, poetry.  BUT, this girl started rapping about Jesus on the side of the sidewalk, and now people were definitely looking.  It was great, what blew my mind about this girl, was how on fire she was about the Lord, that she didn't care who heard, and wanted people to hear!  She made me think of a verse in Matthew, Matthew 5:15, it says, "Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house."  She was being the light on the street of Norfolk!  She spoke out about her savior and was so excited about it.  I felt to blessed to have encountered her.  To end my day, I was so excited I got to talk my best friend on the phone for the first time in a week! We had so much to catch up on, and I'm so thankful for her being in my life.  I got home and babysat, I got to finish my night off at Sheville, a bible study I go to in Chesapeake on Wendesday nights, it's such a joy to be around those girls, and be able to talk about how the Lord is working in all of our lives.  Just, overall God blessed me with such a glorious day yesterday, I was so thankful, I saw Him so much, and just felt so on fire for Him!

Thank You so much for making Yourself apparant, thank You for putting people in our paths that love You.  Thank You for the life that You gave us to live, and thank You for the opportunity to fellowship with other people.  You are so graceful and wonderful, and just amazing.  Lord, we just ask that You continue to watch over us, and that You continue to overflow us with Your mercy and grace.  We love You.
In Jesus Name,

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