Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Clean Slate

Just a quick thought for today... the more I find myself in the Word, and spending time with the Lord, I feel refreshed.  Tonight was my first night back to New Leader Training for YoungLife, and let me just tell you that it was so refreshing to be back.  There is really nothing that tops being able to worship our Lord, learn about Him, and make new friends.  Fellowship is so important, like I have said so many times in the last few days, God is truly showing me this.  I feel so blessed to live somewhere where I can freely worship and love my Lord, and not have to be concerned about anything.  My friend and I were openly talking about how good the Lord is to us today over lunch, and how much we are in love with Him now.  The Lord has really been showing me this new life that He has given me, and has been teaching me how to live accordingly.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.  The old is gone and the new is here."

I pray that you remind us that we have new life in You.  You forget our past, and we start with a blank slate.  We love You so much and we thank You so much for sending Your son to for us so that this could be possible.
In Jesus Name,

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