Saturday, October 22, 2011

Don't Forget The Important Things..

I had this neat idea to make this big picture project for my room.  It was nice to look through all of my pictures and reminisce on all the memories.  I was so consumed with this and excited!  Halfway through I realized we didn't have a single hole puncher, which I needed to finish the project.  My parents went out to a friends house tonight, and Kristen was babysitting, so I told Caroline that I was going to run to Walgreens real quick to get a hole puncher.  She asked if she could come with me so I said sure.  Now rarely do Caroline and I have the opportunity to bond for a full night.  We went to Walgreens, no hole puncher, so we went to Kroger, no hole puncher.  I was getting really frustrated, but then I thought.. maybe God is trying to tell me to stop focusing on this project tonight, and start focusing on the precious time I had to spend with my sister.  So, we came home, I put the project up, and we hungout together. 

I feel like lately, the Lord has been stressing to me to spend more time, and focus on some close relationships with people I have in my life.  I have been working like crazy this semester, along with school, and doing so many other things, and not focusing on the important things in life.  I am pretty aware of the valuable things that I have, like my family and friends, because I am such a sentimental person.  Everything that I had when I was a kid, my mom wouldn't dare to throw away or give away because they're going to my children.  I have a close attachment with everything having to do with my family and my childhood.  I can't stand the thought of moving out one day, and being away from my family, because I love them so much and know nothing other than being with them.  Needless to say, I'll be the one, once I get married, where my husband and I will be buying a house within five minutes of my parents! ( ;  I just really appreciate God bringing this to my attention, the fact that I should really invest more time in relationships in my life.  I am so thankful to have such an amazing family, and friends.  My family is a group of awesome people, and I love them to moon and back!  Dueteronomy 26:11 says, "All you should rejoice in all the good that Lord your God has given to you and to your house, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you."  Be thankful for the wonderful things that the Lord has provided you!

Thank you so much for all of the marvelous things in our life that You have provided us with.  Help us to be appreciative of them, and to thank You for them. We love you Lord.
In Your Son's Name,

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